The Merit Order

Grid operators dispatch power plants in order of increasing short-run marginal cost, guided by an upward-sloping supply curve called “the merit order”.1

This concept is simple but potent. Merit orders explain power market dynamics ranging from coal-to-gas fuel switching to how renewables depress wholesale power prices—trends across both conventional and renewable generation dominating our grid today. The merit order is one of the first tools I learned for understanding electricity, and it remains my favorite.

You can expect weekly charts + posts (and the occasional meme) at the intersection of electricity markets and clean power. Thanks for scrolling, and please share with anyone for whom this might spark joy.

About me

I work at the intersection of batteries and electricity markets at REV Renewables, a clean energy infrastructure developer. This is a personal hobby; usual disclaimers about everything shared here.

If you need chart spam and niche energy memes clogging up your timeline as well as your inbox, I’m on Twitter @BPBartholomew.


From Will Nelson’s primer on merit orders here.

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Weekly posts + charts on electricity markets, clean power, and niche memes


Energy, charts. You can find me at @bpbartholomew on twitter, @bpbart on threads.